FIVE things you rarely see in a PR agency office in 2015….

1. The phone and fax machine combo
 Wait up, what’s that I can hear coming through – breaking news…! 

2. Light boxes (and accompanying magnifying glass)
Needed to check those rushed over film strips from the early morning photo call – chinagraph pencil at the ready! 

3. The ‘standalone’ high power computer for sending large images
You got the fax? Great! Want images? Great – what’s your ISDN number….? 

4. Beanbags for brainstorming
Need an idea quick? Go and brainstorm on the beanbags… 

5. The secret drinks cabinet
Well, you can’t get enough in there these days…you need a trolley!

By Matt Stokoe, Senior Associate Director

For further information on Clarion Communications please contact Debbie Jackson on 0207 343 3110 or email or tweet @Debbie_jackson